Friday, November 4, 2011

Zombie Appocalypse: Fiction or your Government's best firend?

On the heels of what might be drastic financial disaster for Europe, and Greece more severely, the world economy is rougher than ever. The US was downgraded as a whole in our credit rating for failing to pay its debt on time and balance the national budget in a timely manner, rising unemployment, rampant inflation, European markets crashing, disgusting poverty numbers world wide, numerous countries revolting and staring over. Things seem as unsure and shaky as ever, but there's two things that always seem to offset this 90% of the time... War, and disease.

There's mounds of sound, economic data that proves that any country with a failing economy can rapidly generate revenue, create jobs, decrease inflation and generally "right the sinking ship". For brief example, WWII helped to bring The Great Depression of the late 1930's to an end, and usher in a new age of prosperity. Disease works in quite the same way, but with different variables. When faced with an impending epidemic, it causes panic. It causes people's fear responses to impulsively spend what they can at whatever the cost on OTC medicines, vaccinations, doctors office visits, prescriptions, hospital stays, and anything they think will help ward off the pandemic. It forces people to spend at any cost, and those individuals and companies rake in profit and, in turn, provide much needed revenue for the federal government as well. Take for instance SARS, Bird Flu, AIDS, Influenza.

Now, to the juicy part (No pun intended!lol). If you had read my previous blog detailing all of the plausible real life scenarios in which a zombie could be created, you'll know what I'm about to refer to and inference, if not go back and read it, then read the rest of this. Go ahead, I'll wait...

Imagine this: With the US facing its toughest economic times since before the Clinton administration, and with Syria recently ousting its tyrannical leader, the late Moamar Ghadaffi (sic?), both are more vulnerable than ever, economically. With the vast majority of the middle east not being such huge fans of ours, and terrorism running rampant, many seek to control bigger countries in order to take "shots" at ours. With election season right around the corner, our new found friendly relations with Syria and the known corruption and back-room deals our own government is known for, talks commence between the candidates and those other elements take place. Both seek favors to meet various means. A deal is stricken for the top scientists in the world to work on zombifying virus of just a small scale with back up doses of antidote. Both US and Syria would infect a small portion of the population with said virus, claiming both to be terrorist attacks on their respective countries (With Al Quaeda being the scapegoat). Perspective leaders will use this to their own advantage to gain their position, however only prolonging and prohibiting any action to be taken to help stop the spread, and in the process, creating hoards of undead zombies. As chaos ensues, and the death toll rises and the hoards get bigger, the military, or whats left of it is sent in to create "safe zones" and find survivors.

As the population dwindles in both affected countries, and survivors are less and less, time passes and eventually and the corpses start to deteriorate past the point of being able to operate and harm others. The military are ordered to start rounding up any zombies left, and destroy the remains of the previously dead zombies, as not only to destroy any evidence of wrong doing, but prevent any recurrence of the disease, by burning, pulverizing and burying the remains. The only strategically remaining political candidate emerges and under emergency declarations amends the constitution's election amendments to his favor and and assumes the role of president/ruler, and declares war on the terrorists (Sound familiar?)

You might be thinking '"Well, how does it all fit?" A: Try paying better attention, and B: I'll explain. The massive death toll, would leave hundreds of jobs open for the taking, leaving the unemployment to plummet drastically to the lowest its been ever. The damage to homes and buildings means tons of money would be made in the rebuilding process. Foreign aid will pour in as threats of the disease carrying overseas, and not getting any aid money themselves from us will send the western world into a spending frenzy here. Trade values will skyrocket and ports will become even more valuable, and the war effort will drum up spending, and create more jobs to circulate more money.

In summary, just because you think you can trust your government, doesn't mean they won't try and sell you up the river for an easy dime. Like the saying goes "Absolute power corrupts, absolutely". Politicians will do anything and everything under the sun to keep their money and power, and will fight tooth and nail to obtain and keep it, Plan on being a zombie someday. It can happen, and sooner than you'd think.